I took a break from my "let's re-read all the novels in your library" spree to read a memoir, one I've been carrying around for about a year. When sex columnist Dan Savage came to the University of Idaho last year to do a talk, I went with a few friends. I had seen Savage on Real Time With Bill Maher, and I loved hearing him talk. He's an avid gay-rights activist, and while he was there he was selling copies of his latest book, The Commitment. It discusses the gay rights issue, as well as chronicles his own feelings about it and if he and his partner of 10 years should marry.
I am also a supporter of gay marriage. I think it's ridiculous that a citizen of the United States is denied any right that other citizens share. It was done when African Americans couldn't marry Caucasians, and done when women were not allowed the vote. It's something I feel strongly about, and so does Savage. I am not sure why it took me so long to read this book... like I said, I've had this book for a while. It's also signed.
The Commitment is hilarious, and poignant. Savage is bombarded at all sides with pressure; from his mother to marry, from his son not to. The roller-coaster from beginning to end is endearing, and you are taken through both sides of this debate. I definitely recommend it to people from all walks of life; gay, straight, Republican and Democrat. There's something to be taken from this book and I think it is this: love is love. The love between Savage and his partner is no less or no more than the love I have for my husband, and their love should be just as legal, respected, and celebrated.
I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.